Tours of Penn Dental Medicine (PDM) are available for prospective applicants through the Office of Student Admissions. Brief tours (no more than 30 minutes in duration) may be provided with a two-week advance notice. Exceptions are made for recently admitted students. Larger groups may require additional advance notice. Due to limited Admissions Ambassadors, there are no walk-in tours available and no visitor can tour unaccompanied. All visitors must remain with their Admissions Ambassador at all times while at Penn Dental Medicine. Penn Dental Medicine is a health care facility and patient privacy must be enforced. No photographs inside the facility are allowed by visitors. Once your request is processed, you will be notified via email of your assigned Admissions Ambassador and provided with contact information.
We will try to accommodate your tour request but please note that tours will be arranged based upon the availability of our Admissions Ambassadors. Because of clinic rotations and exam schedules, some time slots or days may not be feasible. If you have questions regarding tours, please contact us via email at Penn Dental Medicine is located at 240 South 40th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 on the University of Pennsylvania campus. There is a parking lot located at the corner of 40th and Walnut Streets and there is limited street parking (meter enforced) adjacent to Penn Dental Medicine. See public transportation options at General information for visitors to the University of Pennsylvania - Information for Visitors | University of Pennsylvania (